St James' Parish Church is the Church of Scotland Church which serves the North-West corner of the County town of Ayr, Scotland. The Parish statistics are available by clicking <<here>>. St James' aims to be an inclusive family of God where all are welcome and everyone is valued and involved. We aim to play an active part in the community we serve, reaching out with the love and joy of Jesus Christ. Services of worship are held each Sunday at 11am with the members of the Junior Church joining with the adults for the first part of the service before continuing to meet in the halls. Our organisations cater for people of all ages and are run by caring and capable officers and leaders.
Weekly ServiceS
Morning Services of Worship are held every Sunday at 11am and are open to all who wish to attend. We are always happy to welcome new faces and visitors to the Church.
HOLY communion
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated at 11am on the last Sunday in October, January, April and on the third Sunday in June. The Church of Scotland has an 'open table' policy whereby members of any branch of the Christian Church are welcome to join in the celebration of Holy Communion.
sacrament of BAPTISM
The Sacrament of Baptism is administered, at our regular morning worship, to the children of parents who are members of the church and to believing adults. Baptism is administered by arrangement with the minister.
FAmily Services
Family Services, at which the children remain in the church throughout the service, are held periodically. Members of the congregation, including our younger members, take part in these services. The services tend to have a large visual content and feature different methods of all-age contemporary worship.
other services
Festival Services are held at the appropriate time of the Christian Year. These celebration services are also open to all who wish to attend. Weddings etc can also be conducted through arrangement with the Minister.
Church Directory | |
Minister | Rev. Dr Barbara Suchanek-Seitz |
Session Clerk/Roll Keeper | Mrs Gillian Cunningham |
Church Secretary | Mrs Moyra Smith |
Treasurer | Mr Henry Murdoch |
Safeguarding Co-Ordinator | Mrs Gillian Hay |
Freewill Offering/Gift Aid Convener | Mrs Jean Jamieson |
Property Convener | Mr Duncan Rout |
Presbytery Elder/Junior Church Leader | Mrs Moyra Smith |
Organist | Mr Ian Mair |
Church Calendar Co-Ordinator | Mrs Lorna Finlayson |
Fundraising Convener | Mrs Moyra Smith |
Chit Chat Group | Mrs Ina Mackie |
Concert Party | Mrs Joan Kirkland |
Carpet Bowls Club | Mr Bill Mackie |
Flower Convener | Mrs Gillian Hay |
Ladies Badminton | Mrs Wren Dick |
Kids' Time Playgroup | Mrs Moyra Smith |
Girl Guides | Mrs Gillian Hay |
BB Company Captain | Mr Stuart Hyslop |
BB Anchors Leader | Mrs Gillian Hay |
BB Juniors Leader | Mr Duncan Rout |
BB Company Section Leader | Mr Stuart Hyslop |